LISBON ---------------) HANNOVER
Dally Schwarz | Janina Libussa


Hallo Dally,

this is your first task:

Take a walk and listen to the different sounds. What do you hear? Which sounds are speaking to you more than others? Notice. Try to open up your body to the different sounds. Can you embody them?
How can you let the sounds not only speak to, but rather through you? How can you go into communication with the outside?

Good luck, too!

He,llo Janina.

This is your first task:

Do you must controller your routine gestures. observe it. picture it. each step your gestures of daily is a complex of phrases and words. right and left dance. up and down. You must do a gesture observation controller.

Imagine if you have no more neighbours with the same language, or even if COVID 19 stoped your tongue moviments and you should use your hole body.

Good Lucky.
Lisboa, 23 de maio de 2020

Sovacos, ou, às bactérias que povoam meu sovaco,

Uma vez punk, parece que isso não sai de você. Eu gostaria de conversar com as bactérias que povoam minhas glândulas sebaceas e entender este apego emocional com a minha pele.

Eu as vezes acho que tem relação com o tecido da blusa, com o tamanho do pelo das axilas, mas não. não. elas tem afeto por mim.

Eu sou uma pessoa do tacto e do olfato,normalmente são dois sentidos que se complementam muito com minha noção de cerceamento do corpo. As bactérias gostam da minha companhia, e elas são daquele tipo que ficam mesmo no busto, passam pelas axilas e sobem ate meu rosto, ficando ali pertinho da boca entre queixo, boca e nariz habitando minha CARA.

Essas são as regiões que elas se sentem muito, muito, muito queridas, acho eu.

E surreal como seu próprio corpo pode se comunicar com você, sem dizer muito, mas através dessa linguagem olfativa do futum. Isso me tornou uma pessoa que ama mesmo sabonetes handmade, quanto maior a crosta do sal grosso e do alecrim, maior minha cara de felicidade. Também nutro um amor muito grande por banhos.

Veja bem, eu nao quero mata-las. Isso tão pouco seria uma politica higienista, MAS, eu só gostaria que elas compreendessem que nossa comunicação nao esta bem sintonizada. Acho que é isso.

Sinto sua rebelião, amigas bactérias, mas sinto que é preciso um limite aqui.

Via desodorante,
Via vinagre,
Via controle populacional.

Esse corpo, que co-habitamos precisa encontrar uma negociação.

Hannover, 23. Mai 2020

Ich gehe raus vor die Türe, mache einen Spaziergang, um meinen eigenen Gedanken besser zuhören zu können.
Seit kurzer Zeit haben die Spielplätze wieder geöffnet, die alten Verbotsschilder sind durch neue ersetzt, die über die Einschränkungen informieren.
Eine Erinnerung: Das Absperrband, das die Wochen zuvor kraftlos zu Boden hing, zertreten und überstiegen. Eine Bank in der Ecke des Platzes ist der Lieblingstreffpunkt für ein paar Jugendliche, die es zuhause nicht mehr aushalten. Nachts höre ich ihre lauten Stimmen, sehe die Bewegungen ihrer Körper durch die Büsche.
Aus dem Sandkasten winkt mir eine Hand zu. Zwei spielende Kinder. Ein im Sand vergrabener Körper, mit Armen und Beinen rudernd, ein anderer Körper, stehend, beobachtend.
Ich komme näher.

- Hallo.
- Hallo. Wie heißt du?

Meine Anwesenheit weckt Neugier. Ich frage:

- Kannst du dich befreien?

Der im Sand vergrabene Körper windet sich wie ein Wurm in der Erde, der Sand bricht, zerrinnt in alle Richtungen. Das Kind hat sich befreit. Ich denke: das ist die Kraft der Körper. Ihre Fähigkeit zum Widerstand.

Ich gehe durch die Straßen meines Viertels. Vor einem geschlossenen Café sitzt eine Gruppe Männer, in Abstand zueinander. Sie sind im Gespräch, die Körper zugewandt. Ihre Blicke streifen mich. Ich gehe weiter, streife sie ab.
Eine Ecke weiter eine andere Gruppe. Männer unterschiedlichen Alters, die an Bänken Liegestützen machen, Hanteln stemmen, aber manche sitzen nur und rauchen. Vielleicht gehören sie nicht alle zusammen. Aber das Bild ist rund. Ich stelle mir meine Freund_innen und mich dort vor. Welches Bild würden wir abgeben?

Heute bin ich Beobachtende, streife umher, atme ein. Ein Gedanke blitzt auf - wie ein Schwamm sein, eine Frau, empfangend. Kein Subjekt, das spricht.

Die Stille brechen. Ist es möglich, im Zuhören zu sprechen?

Ich gehe durch den Park. Wind kommt auf, die Blätter der Bäume rauschen.
Ist eine Pflanze ein Körper?
Die Bäume sprechen zu uns.
Es kommt Regen.
Ich lehne mich für einen Moment an einen Baumstamm.

Zuhören ist der Beginn eines Gesprächs.


First Task
reading this text about Covid 19 as choreography and about how it changes our physical behaviours, gestures etc. ...
i am thinking of the task i've got yesterday by you, Dally, "you must do a gesture observation controler". now, reading this:

"I get hyperaware of where my own body is in space and also start control my intuitive movements, like in a
performance. Where is my face? Where is my front? Keep your hands down, don't touch your eyes!"

i wonder: do my gestures already change?
how to involve failure?
though daily gestures exist anyway always, it's not easy for me to approach my task. how to open up my mind?
controlling my daily gestures.
i move. i cry. i hesitate, i speak. i find words for emotions. i don't. i cry. i can't explain. i wonder if my body explains better, my mouth closed.
how does my body speak?
how would i use my body if my tongue couldn't move? how can i figure out? how can i raise such an awareness to my own gestures, really observe them, control them?
i feel there isn't always space for things like that. such an awareness.

First Task
outside is my window.
Outside is the holes of my body becoming inside when they curve.

Sound of water. Drop out the cup…

Sound of cars and wind blowing faster…

Sound of sirene.

I drink.
T e a

tlo tlo tlo tlo tlo
Dally Carta 2
Janina Brief 2
the meet point / safe area/ PAD 4 2

Second Task

Maybe I am reading other sensations or other things that appears when I am watching that.

Is the pleasure the real contact with others? The bodies? The audience? The space?

What this energy I am evocing when I dance….

What I know is that I am really connected with the music, sound, this I already know. Other thing I know is that I am connected with partner - floor, chair, surface, other body, object…. And what about the air?

The air is also a partner.

Sometimes I feel that I loose the imagination and this skin of pleasure, like a body that is doing something…
Os to about poetics?

E como se meu corpo conhecesse o
I feel like my body recognize the S movement and the staccato punch movement…

How cam I learn other rithyms?
Is it abut rhythm? Or connections?
last words before I go to
Corona Camp
Dear Dally,

here is your next task.

Do a dance, just dancing from the inside. What comes up? Can you picture your dance afterwards?
Do a dance, imagining somebody is watching you while dancing.
Is there a difference between the both dances?

Do a dance with closed eyes. Still try to watch to what is happening.
Do a dance with open eyes. See what you see.

Hope it might give you some visual visions.
He,llo Janina,

This is your second task:

Imagine that you have been choosed to be in a COVID CAMP and you will need to choose your clothes and personal objects for 40 days.
You need to record a depoiment of last words before it and also try the most combination of clothes and object in your body to decide.

Remember: you only have one bag,
Dear Janina,

I think today I will do it in english. thats ok, I realized that maybe it can be necessary and also I need to improve my textish...skills

I didnt want to wake up so early today, but also I needed to finish the second PReS task. It was 3 bells of cellphone alarm and than I jump out the bed.

I turn on all this machines and then I realized that I just have more 3 minutes to finish the write exercise and all I had was a sketch from past days...

It was a little bit frustrating, and show me more my resistance about studies academics field or about analizyng.... I dont know.... But thats ok.... shit happens....

I realized also that I was more interested in this part of the process, or I realized that stay in front of the computer to watch a documentation of a live performance was too hard. Maybe I should have tried REACT for the write task ( like, recording my face looking the videos).

Hope you have a good day,
26.05.2020 um 15:34 Uhr Dear Dally,

since I could understand your english letter, I respond with one you can understand, too.

Feeling tired today I just spent some minutes on the edge of my couch in my room. I discovered a spot there, a small one, where I can sit and let some sunrays touch my face, caress my skin with warmth and light.

Sometimes I try to practice to be more body than brain.

Today you write me my task from yesterday reminded you of former schools/ programs. I wonder if you are just noticing or if it's sth you liked or disliked? Sometimes when you don't see each other it's not easy to know which meaning lies beyond the words we speak or write.

Yesterday, doing the reflection/ writing task from the application, I also felt such a resistance towards it. Why? I mean, I watched the videos anyway, I found them interesting, I could see and describe and reflect things. Something in this task reminded me of my studies at University. And that I sometimes felt like shrinked or put in a certain box at that place. University was just not my entire life.
I think it's not that I am looking for another kind of studies. I really look for working practically and with my body. That's partly why I started dancing after studies, I think. I felt a lack of body and physical approach in all different aspects of life. I want to develop further physical practices for myself, in exchange with others. Not only for arts, but for life.
So this became clearer for me now. Also thanks to our exchange process.

Thank you, Dally, whom I've never met in flesh and skin so far, but with whom I dialogue about body questions... I enjoy.
p.s.1: pearl jam - Black
p.s.2: blondie picture this

Second Task

Third Task
27.05.2020 um 13:53 Uhr
Dear Dally,

let's stay with english for the last minutes of our collaboration.
I just did this fucked-up version of a lecture performance. I think it was an experience of trying to get into it with very little time and confused brain. The failure which is involved in learning.

I wanted to use the statement of Afro-American dancer Pearl Primus. It's so beautiful, it acompanys me for years. But also today I didn't manage to use her words in my try-out. Maybe it's because she is Black and as a white person I would first have to think more about how I can use it without appropriating it ignoring my different position in society.

I share some of her words with you now:

"Dance has been my vehicle. Dance has been my language, my strength. [...]

Dance has been my freedom and my world. It has enabled me to go around, scale, bore through, batter down or ignore visible and invisible social and economic walls.

Dance is my medicine. It is the scream which eases for a while the terrible frustration common to all human beings who, because of race, creed or color, are 'invisible'. Dance is the fist which fight the sickening ignorance of prejudice. It is the veiled contempt I feel for those who patronize with false smiles, handouts, empty promises, insincere compliments. Instead of growing twisted like a gnarled tree inside myself, I am able to dance out my anger and my tears.


I dance not to entertain but to help people better understand each other. Because through dance I have experienced the wordless joy of freedom."

(Pearl Primus, 1968)
Third Task
Hello Dally,
here is task 3 for you:

Use your everyday life as a field of experimentation between spoken and body language. Today, when you talk to somebody, try to accompany your words with gestures which doesn't fit to the meaning, your telling. YOu can also try to add some movements to your words, you would not do normally. Also you can try out to shut up your body totally, while speaking. Another version would be just moving, shutting up your mouth. Experiment, try different stuff. What is easy, what is difficult? What are reactions to your experiments?
If you don't meet so many people, challenge yourself, create situations in which you can experiment.

the music is pearl jam and blondie and it is almost 13pm.

Dear Janina,

I think this is a good last soundtrack for our meet. A mash up of Blondie and Pearl Jam. If we were in the same town I woul invite you for a cup of tea in the park and maybe dance this song.

I imagine the fields with a lot of flowers and dogs running.. And we are doing pictures and jumping and you know...maybe doing some air guitars or air drums....

I am trying to write but actually I just want to dance.

See you soon,

He,llo Janina,

This is your third task:
Choose one of the videos that PReS send to you to write about and do your REANACTMENT| VERSION of it.
He,llo Janina,

Your last task is read LOUD in a window or a public space the Diane de Prima
Revolution Letter nunmber 49.

link 1>
link 2>

free your

Dear Dally,

this is your last task:

Breath. Listen to loud music, if you want to. Dance, if you feel like. Or just be. Let images and thougt from the journey of the last days pass through your head.
What feelings evoke? Write them down, if you want. You don't have to. Follow your instinct.

un abracao,